Energy Blocks

Energy blocks are often bred and born out of an internal fear, however, some blocks are a direct result of a traumatic event that occurred during the natural course of our existing incarnation, suffering the premature loss of a relationship, possibly prior to settling the karma that was associated with that relationship, the unsettled karmic debt is just enough to throw the victim's life off course, rendering the individuals helpless and unable to successfully complete their life lessons together and as a result of the negative and unnatural occurrences that have taken place the individuals are thrown into a very negative and repetitive energy pattern, doomed to repeat their life lessons over and over again until they find a way to break free from the repetitive hold that has taken over their lives. Imagine if you will, that your life is a little economy car that has bogged down in the mud and the more that you rev the engine the faster the wheels spin and the deeper you dig in unti ...

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Generational Curses

You have been having a difficult time as of late, or maybe it seems as though you have been plagued with bad luck all of your life, either way, in desperation you set about trying to find answers and possibly even a cure for what ills you. You have grown tired and weary of all of your money troubles and your relationship woes and your overall inability to prosper and to get ahead in life, through your search, you are led to a slew of resources, maybe a few of the sites even have a phone number for you to call, nervously you pick up the phone and dial the number, a warm voice answers on the other end of the line and you are relieved to finally be speaking with someone who might be able to offer you some help, advice or guidance as to how you can go about changing things in your life. The conversation at first is pleasant until the person on the other end of the phone informs you, that  the reason, you and your lover have parted ways is because someone has used black magic against ...

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A Love Storm

Goddess, oh Mother! The air feels thick with anguish and my breath escapes me! I have suffered in silence and I have cried a thousand tears since my love walked away from me. The more desperate that I become, the deeper I find myself, locked within solitude, a jail that I am imprisoned within, and you, my dear-heart, have become my jailer. And, it is most unfortunate for me that you are the only one who holds the key to unlock the vault that will set me free, but freedom, is worthless my love, if it means a life sentence that I must serve without you! For you are my salvation and I would wait an eternity for your return to me! Yes, my love, my needs are great and my pain is too real! My wounds are deep, my heart has grown weary and weak! And my pride has been laid low. I pity the soul whose reflection I see when I glance into the mirror, I am afraid to look, for what I see has become grotesquely aged as time passes by! I stand before the Goddess calling out in need of help, fr ...

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Abundantly Believe

There are many different ways to manifest change in one's life, and if you are a religious person, a church may very well be a path for you to follow. As for myself, I am not religious, I am spiritual, and I believe in the natural laws of the Universe. One of the laws that immediately comes to mind is the Law of Cause And Effect. Every action being negative or positive, will have a reaction that is equal in force but opposite in nature. I have heard many people complain that when they cast a spell or utilize the services of a magical practitioner that they didn't get the results they were looking for, some have even said that they got no results at all! There could be a whole host of reasons why a scenario like the ones above may happen. Still, the one I have encountered the most often throughout the years while working with my clients is expecting too much, too fast! And an unwillingness to develop patience, before embarking upon a magical journey to effect change in your life, you ...

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Change Is Possible

The methods that I use are not for everyone; in fact, I have been known to be a little too honest, if there is such a thing, and rather bold in my approach when it comes to working with my clients. When one chooses to embark upon a magical journey, the time to lay aside childish ways and to embrace life as an adult has come, now I know that you are only human, and that you are a subject to the frailty of human emotion, I too have my moments of weakness when it comes to my emotions and matters of the heart, but, I also know the enormous amount of energy that it takes to manifest positive results from a spell casting, and if you are going to dabble in magic to call forth the aid that you need in order to manifest your desires, you need to stop overreacting, you need to stop all the whining and crying and feeling sorry for yourself, and you need to start projecting the image of the person that you believe yourself to be deep down, because, believe it or not every time that you bellow out ...

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Attracting Prosperity

Working with magic we have to learn to tap into the natural resources that reside within each of us, the planet is humming with energy, and there is no need for any man, woman, or child to live an impoverished life, I believe that as individuals we can change our circumstances at any interval, changing one's circumstance is as easy as changing one's mind, flip the switch, and the light goes on, flip it again and the light goes off, so it goes without saying that if you really open your eyes and take a look around, you will see the enormous potential to live a life enriched with silver and gold. Prosperity flows to us through many different avenues; one may prosper emotionally in relationships, while another may prosper in material goods. It is up to each of us to decide how we will prosper in this lifetime, each of us must develop a plan of action and implement it, here is a very good example, you decide to open your energy up to the idea of becoming wealthy, or at least marginally in ...

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For Love And Money

The thought of retiring has occurred to me over the past two or three years, I tried once, but found that not only did it make a lot of my clients very unhappy, by which they expressed in phone calls to my office and in a barrage of email, it made me very unhappy as well. I am by far the best witch on the block, but, I do know that I take a very honest and ethical approach to dealing with my clients and their situations, and while I have turned away potential clients over the years for various reasons, one of the reasons has never been because their situation was hopeless, because, no situation is hopeless, and there is always a way of turning things around, even when it looks and feels hopeless, but, one of the ways that you will never turn things around is by doing nothing, another way to insure failure is to overly focus on the negative aspects of the situation that you are dealing with, if you have a desire to love and to be loved, well, love needs to be your focal point, here is a ...

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Magical Scrap Book

As 2008 slips quietly away, it is a time to reflect, it is a time to put things into perspective and to gain a greater mental insight into our personal journeys, a time to release negative energy in an attempt to gain emotional clarity, as the old year melds into the new it is the perfect time to allow ourselves to undergo a rebirthing process, no energy is ever lost, the old merges with the new thereby creating a stronger base in which to work from, allowing for a more solid foundation in which to plant the seeds of today that will bear the fruit of our desires tomorrow. There is absolutely no harm in desiring a prosperous life, prosperity flows to us in many forms, we can prosper financially, we can prosper in love, we can prosper in both material and nonmaterial goods, and we can prosper spiritually, in order to lead a life filled with prosperity we must first learn to embrace the law of attraction, the law of attraction applies to all ...

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Magical Mojo

Mojo is a term that is widely used in magical circles, a mojo can be used in a positive or negative manner, magical tools can be empowered with negative or positive energy, the word mojo is used often to described one's lucky piece, a gambler may refer to his root bag as his mojo, a craftsman of candle magic may use it to describe his candles or the tools in which he fashions his candles with. If a black magician or Witch tells you that he is going to put a mojo on you, in most cases it is a warning, if I were to tell you that I am fixing to put a mojo on you, the underlying message would be that I am getting ready to seriously mess with your reality and not in a good way I might add, but, any Witch or practitioner who really means to do you harm will not give you an advance warning, for to give someone a warning of an impending metaphysical or psychic attack is to give them an opportunity to magically defend themselves or at least attempt to thwart the magician's attemp ...

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As Chaos Ensues

Procrastination and doubt are two of the toughest elements to overcome when casting a spell to manifest major change, procrastination is a downward spiral of self denial and doubt is nothing more than the concrete stamp of disapproval that we place upon ourselves, confirming our belief that we are unworthy of having a life filled with prosperity and love. Acceptance of self and a commitment to manifest positive change are two of the areas that we must strive to improve if we are ever going to proceed to the next level of our incarnation. There is absolutely no room for a defeatist attitude when attempting to effect positive change, and in the midst of the turmoil that may be taking place around us we have to find a way to focus on our specific needs and life goals, it is true that in many ways we are all connected, but, it is also true that our lives are uniquely our own and that we as individuals are not responsible for the mistakes that our neighbors make, that is unle ...

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