The Haunting Of Joseph

Psychic energy is all around us, when a body dies the soul lives on, no energy is ever lost and therefore when the incarnation of a soul is abruptly cut short that soul may find itself earthbound and in some cases it may seem as though the soul has become caught up in an endless loop repeating its last action over and over, in some cases a distraught or disoriented soul may even get blamed for a random haunting. A few years back I worked with a young woman who moved into a condominium on the bottom floor of a building that was about thirty or forty years old at the time, soon after she moved in she would be startled from her sleep by the sound of a boy crying out for his mother, she would get up from her bed and follow the sound of the youngster's voice to her front door, once she opened the door the sound would stop, this scenario was carried out night after night for weeks, it finally progressed to a point where she called the police because she was convinced that there was a child ...

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Male Witch or Warlock?

The only difference between a male witch and a female witch is their gender. To call a male witch, a warlock is highly offensive. A warlock is a witch, male, or female who has been locked out of his or her coven, and the members of the group have turned their backs on the individual labeled as a warlock, because they feel that their tradition, or the craft was in someway betrayed. Covens, and pagan groups alike are notorious for their politics, the craft is not at all exempt from politics, and often the group will take on the energy of their leader, of their high priest, or priestess and follow his or her commands, rules, and bylaws. I am a male witch, I have practiced magic since the age of 13, one is not born a witch, one becomes a witch by choice, there are no hereditary witches, male, or female. Witchcraft, Wicca is an Earth based religion, one who follows Wicca must adhere to the bylaws put forth by the elders of the group in which she, or he belongs, if the practicing witch does ...

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Releasing Oscar

The use of drugs and alcohol will induce an altered state of reality, often leaving one alone at the wheel of his own devices. Alcohol especially has a harsh effect on our bodies, minds and our souls, so does any chemical laced substance that we introduce into our system, even prescription drugs can cause an altered state of reality throwing us off our chosen path, but, that is not to say that if you are a diabetic, cancer patient or dealing with some other type of disease that you shouldn't take your medication, you will just have to work that much harder at keeping your Aura free and clear of psychic debris, if you are taking medication getting or having an aura cleansing and a cleansing of your personal space every 90 days or so, is a very good idea! Now, when I talk about alcohol abuse, I am not speaking of the occasional drinker, I am talking about the hardcore 12 pack before bed and one to start the day with, at psychic fairs when I was younger, I would often use a little sippin ...

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October Moon

The onset of October's Blood Moon marks the season of the Witch's new year, Hallowmas, a time of new beginnings, a universal shift in the earth's energy is about to take place and an unmistakable presence of magic is in the air, those whose mind and hearts are open can feel the rhythmic beat of the Goddesses hum and with each day that passes we are drawn closer to the night when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest, Hallowmas is the night when the spirits are free to travel between the worlds, however, October is by far one of the most magical times of the year and not just on Hallowmas night, October is ripe for spell casting and magic of all kinds. In the many years that I have practiced magic and in particular worked with my clients to bring them together with their desires, whether those desires were to create a positive flow of prosperity for themselves or to bring back a lost love, even to manifest a new love altogether, or to shield and protect them and t ...

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The Harvest Moon Fades

The Harvest Moon has come and gone and the warm days of September are quickly fading, as the Witch's new year approaches, sitting here before my computer I recall those friends, family and loved ones who have passed on, or who have crossed the bridge to the great divine within the last year, as I sit here I envision the lessons, blessings, and hardships that me, and my loved ones have faced and shared, some have had great meaning; and impact on our lives, and the lives of those that we surround ourselves with, and there are still many lessons to be examined, dissected, and explored to see just what piece of the puzzle that we call life that they just might complete! Lessons tend to be hard, I suppose if they came easy they wouldn't earn the value that we ultimately place on them, some lessons are indeed connected or interconnected with everyone that we intermingle with, and so is the karmic ramifications that come as a result, showing up to set on our stoop like a wet mang ...

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Psychic Tapping

Energy is fluid and free-flowing, and while energy cannot be possessed, as it is not a possession, energy tapped into and harnessed can be manipulated for whatever esoteric agenda you may have. Energy is not positive, nor is it negative, it is neutral, magic is pure energy, and magic can either be positive or negative, the will and intent of the practitioner is the deciding factor, I am a very positive person, and I am a White Witch, but, if I set about casting a spell or conducting a ritual with negative intent, the outcome will be one of destruction, the truth is that negative or positive magic doesn't really exist, it is the practitioner who is the deciding factor in light and dark magic. When it comes to working with energy, whether you are casting a spell, conducting an elaborate ritual, meditating, or conducting your own simple candle ritual it is imperative that you learn to shield yourself, now, I am not going to get into my method of shielding for I only teach en ...

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Torn Between Two Lovers

Torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool, loving you both is breaking all the rules! Loving two people does not break all of the rules, but, having two lovers and leading them to believe that they are the only one in your life, does, break all of the rules and will reap you some costly karma. Most of the people that I work with who are caught in a love triangle, were thrust into the situation by the actions of their lover, now, there are the rare cases in which a client will come to me who is holding onto one lover, all the while attempting to unite or reunite with an old flame, it is very difficult to start a relationship with someone new, when you are still clinging emotionally and mentally to the one that you are currently with out of the fear of being alone. I know that there are a lot of what ifs? What if the one that I want doesn't want me? What happens if I let go of the one that I am with, and the one that I want doesn't come back to me? Chances are if you are holding on ...

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Happy Valentine's Day

This day is the world renown day of the lovers, the day when cupids arrow pierces the hearts of those destined for love. For those locked in the embrace of their lover, this day can be very beautiful, for others it can be a day filled with devastation, sadness and the burden of knowing that the one you love could potentially be in the arms of someone else. The best advice that I can offer to anyone on this day who may be suffering the pangs of a broken heart, is to pickup the pieces and put yourself back together, focus on becoming whole and strong again, I would imagine that if you felt that the one you love is worthy of your love in the first place, that you would want to be worthy of his or her love as well and the truth is, if you are falling apart and going off the deep end all of the time, you are not worthy of his or her love at the moment, nobody wants to invest time in a relationship with someone who is unstable and out of balance, most of us want a partner who is emotionally ...

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Playing With Fire!

It has been my experience that when you carelessly play with fire eventually you are going to get burned, handling a snake with care doesn't always guarantee that you will not get bit, because depending on it's mood it may still strike you. Recently a young man contacted me, for the sake of this article and his privacy I am going to refer to him as Carlos. Carlos had just lost his wife of seven years and out of desperation he turned to a man that I am only going to call Papa G, this man is a voodoo practitioner, I know of him and have butted heads with him over the past ten years or so, there are no rules or guidelines in which this man follows in his practice, several of his clients, I would say more than twenty five over the years have turned to me after he had taken their money and then turned on them, voodoo is very powerful, and it is often a means to an end, a permanent end to relationships that has been destroyed instead of rebuilt, a disastrous impact on prosperit ...

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Mundane Magic

Magic that is spawned out of raw emotion will rarely take wings and fly! On the other hand emotion is a necessary element to lend strength to certain types of magical endeavors, but one should never approach a love spell when the ability of being detached is absent, because, we must be able to separate our divine, our magical self from our lower, our more mundane-self, and unfortunately for most people who are dealing with love related issues the lower mundane-self is where their focus is lost, a good example of the lower emotional self would be the inability to key into your inner strength and to allow your magic to manifest without the interference of your whining, crying and carrying on, while this may be good for release of pent-up negative emotions, it does nothing but tear down the integrity of your magic! I have worked with people from all walks of life and when it comes to love spells, reuniting with an ex-lover gone wild, or trying to rebound from a situation where jealousy a ...

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