Spirits Of The Past

Magic happens year-round, Hallowmas is a very mystical and magical time, it not only marks the Witch's New Year, the beginning of all things new, but it is the night that the veil between the two worlds is at its thinnest allowing for dreams and wishes to come true, the birth canal between this world and the next, the night that the dead will once again walk the earth, and just as in life there are good and bad energies, the same holds true in the realm of spirit, and it is for this reason that a Witch doesn't believe in disturbing the spirit of one who has passed or as I like to call it, the one who has crossed the bridge! Thoughts of old conjure the past, return to me my love ever last! During this time it is especially important to protect and safeguard your magical workings, negative energy tends to plague our thoughts especially when we are dealing with difficult times, however, your situation will only be made worse if you focus on the negative aspects of ...

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Obsess Not, Speak Not!

As we already know there are many guidelines to follow when weaving a love spell, it doesn't really matter whether we are working to reunite with a lost love or striving to find that perfect individual who will ultimately become our life mate, either way the end result should be our focus and not our obsession, when you strategically and effectively focus and direct your energy you are streamlining your efforts and will most certainly realize a greater return on your magical investment. Every time that we allow ourselves to get worked up and emotionally overwrought we inevitably lose our focus and we take valuable energy away from our desires, diluting our magic and minimizing the results, some situations will require more time and energy than others, in most cases where a great deal of time passes before our desires manifest is because we must allow ourselves and our mate to undergo a healing process. I have had cases where a clients mate met and married someone else, ...

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Night Terror

Psychic attacks can affect even the most skilled and diligent of practitioners and can take on many forms, from restlessness, sleeplessness to unexplained illnesses, sleep walking, there are many other symptoms that one may look for, but, it is pretty safe to say that if everything around you seems to be suddenly falling apart and providing that you have ruled out all other logical explanations, you may very well be a victim of Psychic attack. Psychic attacks can even manifest in the form of negative energy in our household which will undoubtedly fuel senseless arguments and miscommunication between those who dwell within can eventually lead to the deterioration of our personal relationships with the individuals that we love the most, and in fact in most cases the main goal of a Sorcerer who attacks negatively is to divide and conquer; they work to drive a wedge and place a barrier between their victim and the victim's family and friends and as a result weaken ...

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Sunday July 9th 2006

Over the past week I have heard from several new folks out there about some of the experiences that they have had with Psychics promising the Sun, Moon and Stars to get their business and then when their client decides that they are not going to partake in their offerings any longer the Psychic threatens them with magical warfare, threatens to do harm to them or their relationship if they do not send a large sum of money, folks this is nothing but extortion, number one anyone who happens to be real at their craft is not going to warn you about an impending Psychic attack, I for one have resorted to magical self defense over the years and I can tell you that I have never tipped my hand by telling the person that I was coming until I got there, you do not warn someone that you are launching an attack, if you are going to attack someone Psychically or Magically the best thing that you have going for you is the element of surprise, just keep in mind an old craft saying, "Noth ...

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Fat Lady's Train Wreck

Love is not always an easy task and at times it is often made harder when the feelings that we once had for our life-mate seemingly disappear, I am not sure if it is a normal part of the process that we call love or not, although I have been told many times from a reliable source that when two people have been involved in a long-term relationship that it is common for them to periodically fall out of love with one another on a temporary basis, the scary part is when your feelings are so raw that temporary is the equation of insanity! I suppose that it is entirely possible to temporarily fall out of love with someone, although the only experience of this nature that I have ever had is to fall out of love in a more permanent way, breakups are never easy and although we would like to end things gracefully and with dignity, it has been my experience that breakups almost always windup like a train wreck, disastrous, the only hope that one may hold onto is that there is a li ...

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Choose Wisely

I have finally faced the fact that I am in a business that attracts all types of people, some honest and some not so honest, on one side of the coin there are a lot of people out there that call themselves psychics and claim to be able to wield a great sword of power and grant wishes to those in need in a matter of minutes or days, on the other side of the coin there are some very legitimate psychics, healers and new age practitioners out there whose one and only goal is to assist their clients with the utmost of integrity, I am proud to be able to include myself among the latter. Here is an interesting tidbit for you, most practicing Witches are not at all psychic, I developed my Psychic skills at a very young age and in fact I was born with a veil and the gifts that the Goddess has bestowed upon me have not only touched my life but has enabled me to touch the lives of those around me, early in life there were times that I felt cursed instead of blessed, some things that ...

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Spring Maiden

Maiden of Spring, mistress of the hunt, she, who is as graceful as the morning dew that falls softly on the rose petals, bless us with your bounty so that we may prosper, grace us with your beauty and touch our hearts so that love may be resurrected and allow our insecurities to pass away with the remnants of Winter, breathe life back into that which has cease to live and provide us with the hope that with each passing day that our desires will be taken into consideration and our love will be reciprocated by those around us. I beckon thee, oh, magical Lady of Spring, hear my plea, I call to you with heartfelt sincerity free of malice, my love is strong and pure as the honey that flows through the vein of the honey-tree and my motives are of the highest good, I seek not to cause harm to the one that I love, yet my desire burn rampant and my passion is hard to contain, the greatest gift that the Universe could give to me would be that of my one and only true love ...

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Integrity is a concept that seems to be elusive in today's world and in the field of practitioners and psychics it seems to be absent more than it is present, I have always strived to maintain positive open lines of communication between myself and my clients and admittedly at times it is hard because I am most definitely outnumbered and truthfully looking back I never intended to allow my practice to grow into what it has become today, and although it has grown larger than I could have ever imagined the one area that I refuse to slack off on is INTEGRITY, integrity should be a vital part of any business or service oriented establishment and especially when it is a business that deals with people who often make decisions based on highly charged and battered emotions. My clients come from all backgrounds and walks of life and I am the first to tell you that they are not all independently wealthy and it is for this reason that I always encourage everyone to stop and think ...

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Inhumane Politics

The burning times continue, in fact they never stopped, the only difference in today's world is that the Christian church is just a little bit better at camouflaging their attacks, they have become skilled at the art of deceit and as we all already know appearances can be deceiving. I am so sick and tired of turning on the news and hearing the false prophets of the White House spew lies about the War, this war is not about and has never been about and will never be about securing our borders and ending terror and while some good may come from it, a lot of innocent people have lost their lives and the good citizens of the United States are being held hostage in an emotional prison, terrorized, but our attackers are no longer coming from outside of the United States, they are homegrown good old' boys whose only wish is to keep me and you living in fear, as long as we live in fear we remain paralyzed and they remain in control, which is exactly what they want in the first p ...

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Sitting here at my computer this Wednesday morning March 22nd, 2006 I find myself faced with many of the same issues and topics that I have discussed before in previous articles. As you all know by now when I write an article at times it is based on self-experience, or the life experiences of those around me, such as my family, friends and my staff. This morning as I prepared to sit-down and answer my email I found that my inbox was swamped with new contacts asking about guarantees on love spells, money spells, etc? Now, at first it really irritated me, but as I continued to review my email it made me realize something that I have heard people say time and time again, read before you buy or sign on the dotted line?. You do not go to a dealership to buy a car and sign a blank contract, you do not just assume that because the dealership advertises on television, the radio or in the newspaper that they will do right by you, now I understand that comparing my business to the ...

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