Special Offers

Beltane Core Protection And Shielding Ritual (High Magic) $254.95

This process will include a Core Cleansing and Clearing ritual that will take place over 13 days.

On Beltane the Core Protection and Shielding ritual will start and will proceed over 13 days, this is a form of High Magic and with Beltane being an extremely powerful time of year, this is the perfect time to place a barrier between yourself and those who oppose you.

I need a written request that outlines your need and desire to shield yourself, including the names and birth dates if you have them available of anyone that you are having issues with if you are experiencing attacks and you cannot determine where they originate from, we can deal with this during the ritual process and we can stop the attacks and bind your attacker's hands so that he or she can no longer impact your life in a negative way.

If you suspect that you have been a victim of a magical or psychic attack, do not procrastinate, take the steps now to create your psychic barrier.

This ritual can be utilized even if you have done other psychic shielding work in the past.

(9 Spots Available)

Item Includes Ritual Date Duration
Beltane Core Protection And Shielding Ritual (High Magic) N/A May 1st, 2024 - May 14th, 2024 13 Days
  • Shipping Date: There is no physical shipping of goods for this item.
Purchase Special Offer

Kundalini Binding Ritual With Magical Items $649.95

This will be a 13-day ritual and will include the Kundalini Power Objects and will be empowered to your needs and desires. The items will be empowered during a Kundalini Ritual and will then be placed upon my altar for seven days before they ship to you, these items will help strengthen your magic and bring your desires into fruition in a faster manner.

This awesome ritual will include a Kundalini Binding: A binding of the sexual and spiritual energy between two people. Improves sexual attraction and the spiritual connection between two people.

Love Binding: A binding between the emotional and mental energy between two people. Works to improve love and communication.

Uncrossing and Cleansing: This will be a 13 to 21-day cleansing between two people, uncross troubled lines of communication, uncross the negative physical rut that you and your lover are in. Improve overall focus on the relationship and help manifest desires and goals. 

The following items are included and will be shipped to you upon the completion of your work.

The following package is done in the four steps that I have outlined below, each individual situation is unique and must be fine-tuned, while I am working and casting spells on your behalf I suggest that you put forth as much positive energy into manifesting your overall goals that you can, this can be done through simple meditation, visualization or the lighting of candles and the burning of incense, whatever technique that you prefer to use; the main thing is for you to get focused on your desire and allow the energy to flow without obsessing over the one that you love if you are obsessed it is not love, it is control, so please keep that in mind!

  1. Love Spell: Magical Amulet
  2. Kundalini Binding: Root Bag
  3. Cleansing Bath: Aura Cleansing
  4. Kundalini Binding Anointing Oil 
  5. Communication Ritual Oil
  6. Chakra Balancing Herbal Bath 

(13 Kundalini Binding Rituals Available.)

Item Includes Ritual Date Duration
Kundalini Binding Aura Cleansing Ritual Cleansing and Uncrossing Bath Salts May 1st, 2024 - May 22nd, 2024 21 Days
Kundalini Binding Ritual Empowered Ritual Amulet May 1st, 2024 - May 22nd, 2024 21 Days
Kundalini Binding Ritual Root Bag Magical Kundalini Binding Root Bag May 1st, 2024 - May 22nd, 2024 21 Days
Kundalini Binding Ritual Anointing Oil Kundalini Binding Ritual Anointing Oil May 1st, 2024 - May 22nd, 2024 21 Days
Kundalini Binding Communication Ritual Communication Ritual Oil May 1st, 2024 - May 22nd, 2024 21 Days
Kundalini Chakra Cleansing and Balancing Ritual Kundalini Chakra Cleansing Bath May 1st, 2024 - May 22nd, 2024 21 Days
  • Shipping Date: 06/06/2024
  • Shipping Fee: $39.95
Purchase Special Offer